Heyo! SeniorMars here. It’s honestly weird to think that people will spend their time reading things I wrote (I’m usually on the other side), but I hope you enjoy your stay here. You can learn more about me here or explore the links up top. Frankly, I’m not sure what I want to make this site about–I like countless things, so I guess we’ll see where this goes. In either case, this is a blog about math, extremely niche interests, and a guy having fun!


  • : Site is up! I’m still working on it, but I’m excited to see where this goes.
  • : Decided to work on a book!
  • : Started to work on some videos for SOME!
  • : First day back at gym in a while. We are aiming high!

Meme of the Week!

Meme of the Week

Previous Memes

  • Week of 06-[23-29]:
    Meme of the Week
  • Week of 06-[16-22]:
    Meme of the Week